Thursday, March 31, 2016


When a blind woman named Helen Keller was young, she was introduced to Christianity, and famously said, "I always knew He was there, but I didn't know His name!".

This may be one of the most honest and true things I've read about religion. I may not believe in an almighty deity, but I believe there is a "God" within us, telling us what is moral, what is right. Perhaps some call it a moral compass. The voice may be faint but if we stop and listen, we can choose to do the right.

I sincerely believe there is a "God"/good and a "Devil"/evil within us all, and we have the choice of which one to listen to. I consider that "free will". No matter what happens in life, we always have choices and options. We can choose to be better, or worse. It may not be easy to do what we know is right, but it can be done.

Thoreau said, "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation". So why is it instead of trying to help one another, we choose to be selfish & struggle? If anything, I know that people can be strong. Stronger than our imaginations can foresee. But one person alone in the woods will not survive unless they are part of a pack. Humanity thrives on teamwork, not selfishness.

So just be good to one another.

Be the better you.

1 comment:

  1. Found your blog by clicking "Next Blog" at the top of the page, I don't know you, but I just wanted to mention a book I recently read that touches some of the topics you wrote about in this post. I found that book refreshing and quite enlightening.. anyway, in case you are interested, the book is titled "The God part of the brain" by Matthew Alper. Peace :)
