Saturday, June 16, 2018

Shell of a Woman:

I feel drained.

Emotionally, physically, mentally.

I'm sad, alone, and I feel completely empty on the inside.

When people text me to hang out, it's never simple.

I feel like there are always ulterior motives.

I need to start learning to just say "no" because things never go how I expect them to.

Wish they had an app where people just want to cuddle.

I just want a hug and to watch a movie.

I feel like in terms of ulterior motives, women are even worse than men because men typically just want sexual things.

I try to be transparent and honest with people.

I wish people treated me with the same respect.

The way people treat me sometimes, I feel like I'm not even a person.

I feel like the shell of a woman with nothing to give, yet people just keep asking and taking.

I want to scream and tell them to stop.

I don't know how not to feel so miserable.

I went to the roof of a 40 story building and I couldn't help but think about making a sexy video then taking a leap off the ledge to fly like those did on 9/11.

I don't want to die. I just imagined myself free falling into bliss.

I'm exhausted, and I want to know that things will be ok.

But it just feels like my world is spinning out of control and I'm just begging the universe to stop.

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